BeltLine Gateway Volunteer Day

Last weekend, staff members from TSW, a design and planning firm, worked together with the Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. and Park Pride, a nonprofit organization, to transplant ornamental grasses along the gateway trail that connects the BeltLine to the Historic Fourth Ward Park in Atlanta. The project involved moving the grasses from their previous location to prevent them from being damaged during the development of adjacent properties. Additionally, the grasses will help with erosion control along the trail.

The Historic Fourth Ward Park / Eastside Trail Gateway is located in an area with steep topography and an elevation change of about 30 feet. TSW’s design for the gateway focused on incorporating lighting, vegetation, and stormwater management strategies. The firm developed the schematic design and construction documentation for the project and provided construction administration. The gateway trail project was completed in August 2014 and has since become an important connector for the Atlanta BeltLine.

The Atlanta BeltLine is a comprehensive transportation and redevelopment initiative that aims to create a network of public parks, multi-use trails, and transit along a 22-mile loop of former railroad corridors that encircle Atlanta’s urban core. The BeltLine project includes the Eastside Trail, a 3-mile section of the loop that connects Midtown to Reynoldstown. The Historic Fourth Ward Park is located adjacent to the Eastside Trail and is a popular destination for visitors to the BeltLine.

The transplanting of ornamental grasses along the gateway trail is part of ongoing efforts to enhance the beauty and ecological function of the Atlanta BeltLine. The BeltLine Arboretum, for example, is a collection of trees and other plants along the trail that provides habitat for birds and other wildlife, as well as shade and beauty for trail users. Similarly, the Atlanta BeltLine Partnership’s Adopt the Atlanta BeltLine program encourages volunteers to help maintain and improve the trail.

Overall, the efforts of TSW, the Atlanta BeltLine, Inc., and Park Pride to transplant ornamental grasses along the gateway trail represent an important step towards creating a more sustainable and beautiful urban environment in Atlanta. By working together, these organizations are helping to ensure that the Atlanta BeltLine remains a valuable community asset for generations to come.

Atlanta BeltLine,

Park Pride

Historic Fourth Ward Park / Eastside Trail Gateway 

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BeltLine Gateway Volunteer Day
BeltLine Gateway Volunteer Day
BeltLine Gateway Volunteer Day

BeltLine Gateway Volunteer Day