TSW Celebrates 30 Years!

Today, TSW celebrates 30 years as a firm!
Today, TSW celebrates 30 years as a firm!
As TSW celebrated its 30th anniversary earlier this year, the company took the time to reflect on its history and all the amazing projects and communities it has been a part of over the years. During this celebration, the company’s founding principals, Bill Tunnell, Jerry Spangler, and Thomas Walsh, took the opportunity to share their thoughts on the future of placemaking. They believe that the future of successful communities will be built on four key pillars: affordable housing, mobility, sustainability, and authenticity.
Affordable housing is an increasingly pressing issue in many communities around the world, and TSW’s founding principals believe that this will continue to be a critical concern for communities in the years to come. By focusing on creating walkable, mixed-use communities that are accessible to a range of incomes and lifestyles, TSW hopes to contribute to a future in which everyone has access to safe, affordable housing.
Mobility is also an essential component of successful communities. With growing concerns about traffic congestion and air pollution, TSW believes that the future of mobility will involve creating more walkable, bike-friendly, and transit-oriented communities. By designing communities around sustainable modes of transportation, TSW aims to reduce the number of cars on the road, reducing congestion, and increasing access to public transportation.
Sustainability is another key focus area for TSW. By incorporating sustainable features into its designs, such as green roofs, rain gardens, and solar panels, TSW hopes to reduce the environmental impact of its projects and contribute to a more sustainable future. Additionally, TSW believes that by focusing on sustainability, it can help communities become more resilient in the face of natural disasters, such as hurricanes and droughts.
Finally, authenticity is an important consideration in TSW’s designs. By prioritizing local materials, history, and culture in its designs, TSW hopes to create communities that are unique and reflective of the people who live in them. This focus on authenticity helps to create a sense of place and connection to community, which is essential for a healthy and vibrant community.
To read more about our firm’s history, click here for a written and visual history on our website.