Atlanta Streetcar Preliminary Development Strategy Findings

TSW, in collaboration with other consultants and Central Atlanta Progress, developed a redevelopment strategy for properties located along the under-construction Atlanta Streetcar corridor. The goal of the strategy was to identify catalyzing development sites that would enhance the area’s overall appeal.

TSW’s expertise in traditional urban neighborhoods enabled them to identify small-scale infill development opportunities in the Old Fourth Ward neighborhood. The team conducted a comprehensive frontage audit and studied site planning and architectural design to understand how the relatively narrow and shallow lots could be utilized for infill development.

In addition to long-term development plans, TSW also focused on identifying short-term interventions that could be implemented to enhance the area’s aesthetics and overall appeal. These interventions included enhanced landscaping, general facade upgrades, pocket parks, food trucks, public art, and pop-up shops/temporary buildings. Such interventions can serve as catalysts for attracting more significant long-term development and investment.

The areas of focus for TSW’s redevelopment strategy were Edgewood and Auburn Avenues in the Old Fourth Ward neighborhood. By identifying these specific areas, the team could create a targeted and strategic plan that addressed the unique challenges and opportunities of the neighborhood.

Overall, TSW’s redevelopment strategy provided a comprehensive and detailed plan that addressed both long-term development and short-term interventions to catalyze growth and investment along the Atlanta Streetcar corridor. By identifying specific sites and opportunities for development, TSW helped pave the way for future growth and development in the area.

To learn more about the Atlanta Streetcar Development Strategy findings, go to

Atlanta Streetcar Preliminary Development Strategy Findings