Maryville Downtown Master Plan


  • City of Maryville

  • Maryville, Tennessee


  • Comprehensive Downtown Master Plan detailing the state of downtown and its future vision, focusing on economic investment, housing options, public spaces, placemaking, connectivity and accessibility, and increasing downtown’s customer base
  • Public engagement process that included a variety of activities
  • Design Guidelines to support recommendations


The City of Maryville, with a population of approximately 32,000, has a rich history dating back to its incorporation in 1795. Over two centuries later, downtown Maryville remains the heart of the city, embodying its past, present, and future. The planning area for downtown encompasses approximately 210 acres, bordered by US-321/Lamar Alexander Parkway, Washington Street, and the northeastern city limits with Alcoa.

In early 2023, TSW was retained by the City of Maryville to develop a master plan that envisions the long-term future of downtown, with a focus on enhancing the Town and Gown relationship between the city and local educational institutions. The planning process involved extensive public engagement to understand the community’s aspirations and long-term goals for downtown. This input was used to shape project and policy recommendations that build on the community’s vision for a vibrant and connected downtown.

The resulting master plan aims to celebrate Maryville’s unique character while creating a roadmap for sustainable development that benefits residents, businesses, and educational partners alike.

Some of the key components of the Master Plan included:

  • Conducting an existing conditions analysis of the study area – regulatory, economics, transportation, parking, etc.
  • Developing a complete building inventory
  • Strengthening the city’s designation as a Main Street community
  • Identifying regulatory or other impediments to future development
  • Incorporating downtown brand and ongoing downtown initiatives
  • Developing small area studies for three catalytic sites in the downtown area
  • Identifying capital projects consistent with the community vision and possibility of implementation