Rome-Floyd/Cave Springs Comprehensive Plan


  • Rome-Floyd County Joint Government

  • Floyd County, Georgia


  • A unified plan for Floyd County that considered needs and opportunities for the unincorporated county and the Cities of Rome and Cave Spring
  • The goal of the plan was to keep the current comprehensive plan relevant while producing more modern recommendations
  • The plan identifies four potential redevelopment areas that warrant further study and provides a preliminary framework


In 2017, the administrations of the City of Rome and Floyd County retained TSW to create an update to Rome and Floyd County’s joint comprehensive plan, last updated in 2008. The goal of this endeavor was to keep the comprehensive plan relevant while producing new and improved recommendations for implementation for Floyd County, the City of Rome, and the City of Cave Spring.

The process began in early 2018, with the city and county staff leading two kick-off meetings with the greater Rome-Floyd County community. The kickoff meetings provided information to supplement the existing conditions analysis and helped inform the facilitation of the planning workshops. The workshops produced recommendations tailored to each of the three identified planning areas: unincorporated Floyd County, the City of Rome, and the City of Cave Spring. The result of this process is an all-inclusive plan that examines and responds to the unique needs and opportunities of each area of the county, including redevelopment plans and a county-wide trail network. The plan provides a clear vision to be a community that provides equitable living options, efficient transportation, a strong local economy, and protection of natural and cultural resources; and a guide for appointed and elected officials, landowners, residents, business leaders, developers, and other stakeholders to use to make decisions to achieve that vision.

Features of this plan include:

  • 4 unified goals that guide policy;
  • Policies catered to Floyd County, Rome, and Cave Spring to address their unique needs and opportunities;
  • Recommended redevelopment areas with identified implementation strategies and best practices; and
  • Individual 5-year short-term work programs for Floyd County, Rome, and Cave Spring.