Parks master planning is a process used to guide the development and management of parkland and open space. It involves creating a comprehensive plan that outlines the goals, objectives, and strategies for the long-term use and maintenance of a park or group of parks. The plan typically includes information on the park’s natural and cultural resources, as well as its recreational and educational opportunities. The process of creating a master plan involves extensive public engagement and input, as well as technical analysis and research.

The first step in parks master planning is to identify the park’s existing conditions, including its natural and cultural resources, as well as its recreational and educational opportunities. This is typically done through fieldwork and research, including mapping, inventorying, and analysis of the park’s resources.

Next, the planning process involves identifying the park’s goals and objectives. This can include things like preserving natural and cultural resources, providing recreational opportunities, and promoting education and stewardship. The goals and objectives are then used to guide the development of strategies and recommendations for the park.

The public engagement and input process is an essential part of parks master planning. It helps to ensure that the plan reflects the needs and desires of the community, and that the plan is supported by the public. Public engagement activities can include community meetings, workshops, and online surveys, and typically involve stakeholders such as park users, community groups, and local government officials.

Finally, the master plan is completed and presented to the park’s management and decision-making body. After approval, the plan is used as a guide for the park’s development and management. It is also used to secure funding, and to prioritize and implement the various projects and initiatives outlined in the plan. Parks master planning is an iterative process, and plans are typically updated and revised every few years to reflect changes in the park and community.